Saturday, July 18, 2020

The fat of the land

So I've harvested my onions and most of the garlic, and the potatoes. Everything is on the front porch now drying out. I can also pull radishes, and carrots if I want to but I haven't yet because there's still a store-bought one in the fridge. Zucchini, of course. (Do you want some?) Herbs naturally. I'm planting spinach, raab, salad greens and another round of basil in the vacated space. Pears and peaches will come in soon.

So this is just for a hobby and to get some experience and smarts. Next year I'm going big. More root vegetables, winter squash, peppers, multiple varieties of onions and tomatoes. I'm using the deep soil/wide rows method of Ed Smith, and I'll be preparing the beds in the fall. I've even drawn up a plan. Now, if they start making me drive into Providence every day it will be harder, but I think I can deal with that. I'll not work full time if it happens, for the garden and for other reasons. I  think a lot of people will have settled into a new life and decided they like at least some things about it. The culture is going to be very different in many ways, I hope for the better.

Of course it will help to have leadership that is not insane.


  1. By "raab," I assume you mean rapini (which I love), also called broccoli rabe?

    I also love radishes. So do my dogs!
